Wixeline "Wixie" Wistemont
Expat, Orphan, Privateer, Merchant, Lover, Fighter


Gelmorran born, Dalmascan raised

The death of Lord Rasler B'nargin Dalmasca was but one of many tragedies to befall the Kingdom of Dalmasca.The air of hope that had surrounded the kingdom was now quite lost: Dalmasca had been set adrift, at the mercy of history's restless tides.The fall of the fortress at Nalbina tolled the destruction of the greater part of Dalmasca's forces.A counter-attack was mounted by the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca, ever brave and faithful, but against the martial might of the Garlean armies, they stood little chance of victory.Indeed, their defeat was to be absolute.Soon thereafter, Garlemald came forward offering terms of peace. Or, as one might rather put it, terms of Dalmasca's surrender...

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Wixie's family line was somewhat typical for Gelmorran Duskwights. Magically gifted, especially in the arts of alchemy and runecrafting, but brought up in a poverty that was, from their point of view, forced upon them by their neighbors in Gridania.
Before Wixie was born, her grandfather made enquiries abroad. Though loathe to abandon Gelmorra, he believed it beyond saving, and sought out potential new places for the Duskwights to live aside from "those damned cultists" in Gridania. Eventually, after several years, his labors bore success, and, while Wixie was still fairly young, her family and several others secured passage to the Royal City of Rabanastre of Dalmasca, finding work as masters of magicks.
With work aligning with the strengths of the Duskwights, a tolerant and diverse citizenry, and even an expansive underground living space, Rabanastre had initially seemed a paradise for the Duskwight refugees.
Wixie spent much of her childhood and teenage years in the dark hallways of Rabanastre's Lowtown, her memories of Gelmorra faint, but her heritage writ plainly upon her face with a pair of striking runes over her eyes
Disaster eventually struck, however, when the IVth Legion invaded, conquering Dalmasca, and most of Wixie's extended family died in the conflict.
Thankfully, the family of one of Wixie's Viera playmates felt pity upon her and took her in, finding an easy kinship through shared loss and a disconnect from their respective homelands.
Once she was old enough, Wixie eventually left Dalmasca, and joined a pirate vessel in the port of Valnain, eventually bringing her to Limsa Lominsa.
With a penchant for magic, a hardened resolve, a hatred of the Empire, and an open-mindedness towards "beast folk" born of her time in Lowtown, Wixie did well, quickly falling in with the Kraken's Arms.
Slowly, she moved up through the ranks within Carvallain's fleet, though she never attained captainship. Wixie had respect for Carvallain, even when he ceased raids on the Empire in favor of Far Eastern trade (a decision that never fully sat well with her, especially after the destruction of Dalmasca), but she did not serve aboard his flagship - the Misery, rather, she served aboard The Easter Lady, and chafed under its leadership, eventually driving her and a handful of others to leave on port in Kugane.
Wixie has ambitions to establish her own crew, and captain a ship to establish its own profitable trade ventures, and if she finds the opportunity to exact revenge against the Empire while she's at it, all the better.

I'll put more here eventually, but for now I'm just gonna ramble... I'm an adult, I'm an RP veteran by this point, I try to be friendly and compassionate.
I come from a family of highly-social extroverts, but I myself am an autistic introvert. However, I am still very social... just... any conversation that isn't one on one tends to exhaust me very quickly, and this goes for RP as well.
I enjoy DMing for people a lot, but it is also an exhausting affair.
I'm OK with NSFW, just respect me and recognize that my IRL gender and sexuality aren't your business. You can ask once we've talked a bit, but if it's a dealbreaker to know those things, then it's likely you want to know for the wrong reasons and frankly you probably don't belong in the roleplaying space.

Bellwether Ventures

Bellwether Ventures is a company made up of ex-privateers and more, seeking to establish themselves as reliable merchants in a new era for Eorzea and beyond, but inevitably, they find themselves also acting as impromptu adventurers.
A bellwether is a sheep that leads the flock, usually with a bell around its neck. It can also mean a trendsetter.
We are a lore focused RP FC with ex-privateers and more finding new lives as merchants and impromptu adventurers! Casual and LGBT friendly. Mildly 18+
You can message me in-game for more info, if you'd like. :)